Color patches used for colorPicker

The colorPicker needs 62 patches done with so called 'sprites'
to display all the colors in 6 different modes (3xRGB, 3xHSB), times 2 for half size plus 2 modes in smallest size.

To make this possible I'm using 3 PNGs that are in sum only 3.64kB.

For some patches I'm using 2 or 3 (HSV H) layers.

RGB G=0; RGB G=255; RGB R=0; RGB R=255; RGB B=0; RGB B=255; HSV S=100; HSV V=100; HSV H; HSV V=0; HSV S=0;

RGB G(#F00); RGB R(#00F); RGB B(#F0F); RGB G(#00F); RGB G(#F0F); RGB B(#0F0); RGB R(#0FF); RGB R(#0F0); RGB B(#FF0);

RGB G(#000) || HSV B(#0F0); RGB B(#000) || HSV B(#00F); RGB R(#000) || HSV B(#F00); HSV S(#0F0); HSV S(#00F); HSV S(#F00);

HSV H; HSV V=0; HSV S=0;